„Unidad, Compromiso y Victoria"
"compromiso" means commitment in Spanish. The title of the album is a slogan from the communist regime „United, Commitment and Victory". The question that comes to me naturally is „After victory (of revolution), then what? At what cost?" A Cuban mid-aged guy called Rafael told me „Cuban people are blind. They listen to music and dance all night, forgetting their life as slaves." He also said, „communism is the biggest lie ever told."
As a tourist, I have no idea what kind of commitment the government offered to the people. What I saw is the people compromise with the state, accepting all kinds of controls in their life. Many people have to struggle for a living, given their extremely low salary from the state.
Let the images tell the stories. Of course, the people there don't live completely miserable life. Happy faces could be seen. Humanity is still able to be found and that's what I always have faith in.
There's a popular cocktail called Cuba Libre (Free Cuba), basically rum and coke. I'm not sure if I could live long enough to see the open-up one day.